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This is our final episode for season 3. We will be back in 2022 with the brand new season insha'Allah.
In this episode, we finalise our discussion on "Earning a livelihood" and present a new way of conceptually framing popular crypto discussions:
Topics: Crypto, bitcoin, tesla, shariah, economy...
In this episode, we talk about leadership and its core aims and responsibilities within the Islamic economic framework.
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Learn more about The 3 Pillars of Islamic Economy - The Shepherds model in m...
Join me for a coffee and some spontaneous unscripted reflections about life and the economy. I also provide you with some insights into my own life and update on the podcast. - Almir Colan
Hosted by Almir Colan -
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In this episode, we talk with Mustafa Aydemir - Senior Investment Analyst at Saturna.
Topics: What investment analysts do? How high net worth individuals invest their own money? Developments in Turkey,...
In this episode, we talk about the negative effects of poverty on individuals and society. Reference in the episode is from the book - "Economic Security in Islam" by Sh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
Hosted by Almir Colan -
Join Islamic Finance Podcast Telegram Channel & Group Chat
...Today we talk about the leadership lessons from the early stage of the state of Medina and its economy.
----- Episode links:
Almir's MasterClass: Leading with Islamic Finance -
Podcast Episode 3.1: The 3 Pillars of Islamic Economy - The Shepherds model - www.islam...
In this preliminary discussion, we share some intuitive principles that should help us when deciding to invest in shares. Aim today is to frame the issues and challenge the way we usually look at the topic itself and market participants in particular. More discussions about screening rules and var...
Good money and a good financial system need two things:
1] Collective cooperation that disincentivises the debasement of the currency.
2] Social order to prevent harm.
Today, unfortunately, governments are debasing our money, but the Crypto/Bitcoin ecosystem is debasing the social order.
The cre...
In this episode, we ask what is more superior: Gratitude (Shukr) for wealth or Patience (Sabr) in the face of Poverty?
We also have a little chat about (day) trading and cryptocurrency speculations that seems to dominate our news cycle.
Join Islamic Finance Podcast Telegram Channel & Group Chat
...Direct Episode links > Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts
We are back!
Join us with some nice sweets for a special Eid edition of Simultaneous sip ;)
In this post-Ramadan episode, we share reflections about news from Palestine as well as trends with crypto.
Direct Episode links > Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts
Have you ever wondered how Zakat incentivises the circulation of money and alleviate the root causes of poverty?
In this episode, Sh. Abdullah Hasan explains the Wisdom and Benefits of correctly implemented Zakat in solving short an...
Direct Episode links > Apple Podcasts - Spotify - Google Podcasts
In this Special Ramadan episode, we talk about Gratitude as the core life-changing concept around which our purpose of life revolves.
"And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for...